Neither should it be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women ; your doctor can prescribe this drug for other purposes.
Neither should it be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women ; your doctor can prescribe this drug for other purposes.
- Автор: Гость
- Популярность темы форума: 497
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Although this drug is well tolerated, some patients may experience the following mild side effects: sleep problems, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, weight changes, dry or watery mouth, loss of interest in sex, increased sweating, blurred

An overdose of this medicine can be fatal, so make sure you report the fact of having taken too much of zolpidem to your local emergency center; phentermine is a potent prescription stimulant that is supposed to be taken by people who need help losing e

Tell your doctor if you are taking any other medications at the moment, such as chlorpromazine, sertraline, itraconazole, imipramine, rifampin, or ketoconazole, as this may prevent you from enjoying the beneficial effects of your treatment: - you are no

You may need to be monitored for side effects by your doctor. , this list is not complete, and there are other medications that may potentially cause interference - for more information contact your pharmacist or your doctor.

If you have myasthenia gravis, a history of drug or alcohol addiction, sleep apnea, kidney disease, lung disease, or liver disease, your dose may need to be adjusted or your condition will be monitored carefully; ! Adipex (phentermine) is a commonly reco